Jim Deals With Big Family Law Problems

Personally Serving Bowling Green And The Surrounding Communities Throughout Warren County
Prompt Attention To The Big Problem Of Abuse And Neglect Cases
If drugs or alcohol abuse takes hold in a family, domestic violence is usually not far away. Family members in the grip of substance abuse will do horrible things to their closest family members. If there is turmoil in a family resulting in court action, protecting children should be at the forefront of every decision made by parents and the court. Children cannot protect themselves and are not normally the source of problems resulting in court involvement.
When Jim is retained or appointed in a family court case involving children, you can be sure that he will zealously advocate for protecting children from injury and minimizing the impact of family turmoil in children’s lives. Jim provides strong legal advocacy for families and helps them understand that they have choices. In 2015, Jim was awarded the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Guardian Ad Litem of the Year for dependable and faithful service to abused and neglected children.
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me [Jesus] to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” – Matthew 18:6 ESV

A Family Man Who Understands Family And Divorce
No one enters into marriage with the expectation of divorce, but in a fallen world, life can become complex. One of the most difficult situations that people face in life is the ending of their marriage. By the time someone comes to James C. Jones II, Attorney at Law, there has usually been a breakdown in communication between spouses. The first step Jim takes in a potential or pending divorce matter is to help you determine whether divorce is the best or only option. When the decision for divorce prevails, Jim’s goal is to maximize the protection of your interests while minimizing the harm that can accompany divorce.
Jim draws from his own divorce and his extensive experience in Warren County’s courtrooms to create a strategy to help you with the uncertainties of divorce. Trained in collaborative divorce, Jim can guide you to do your best to talk out your differences with your soon-to-be-former-spouse. When it is not possible to reach an agreement on an issue, it is important that you have the representation of an assertive lawyer like Jim in the courtroom.
Skilled And Vigorous Legal Advocacy In Other Areas Dear To Your Family
Are you considering adoption? He considers his experience providing legal services in connection with adoptions a profound privilege
Adoption is a great blessing for couples who desire to raise children whose parents are unable to care for them. It also benefits children by placing them in homes in which they are both loved and wanted.
Adoptions are subject to a variety of strict procedural and substantive requirements. Careful handling prevents negative outcomes for parents and children. Jim has participated extensively in every aspect of the adoption process, representing the interests of adoptive parents, adoptees or biological parents. He has also done many intra-family adoptions, including stepparent and grandparent adoptions.
Probate law. Are you dealing with the recent death of a family member? Grief can result in a weakening in decision-making or confusion. Jim will guide you and your family to avoid big problems after your loved one dies. While some small estates in Kentucky qualify for a simplified process, most estates will have to go through the probate process.
Discuss your big family law problems with an attorney who provides personalized help every step of the way. Call James C. Jones II, Attorney at Law in Bowling Green at 270-715-2975 or send Jim an email to schedule your free consultation.

Meet Attorney Jim Jones
Jim has a fairly common name, but you will find his legal advocacy and problem-solving approach extraordinary. He is not just a robot that does legal stuff, he is a real human being who has been through some of the same things that you are experiencing. He has spent decades in various courts, providing solutions to all kinds of big family law problems for his clients.
When you call James C. Jones II, Attorney at Law, you will either get Jim or his voicemail. If you leave a voicemail, Jim will call you back promptly and personally.